Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 3 :New technology

Have just discovered a new website that is called WolframAlpha. What a clever resource this is! It calls itself a "computational knowledge engine" and has been named by Time Magazine as one of the 50 best websites of 2009. It has a standard search box in which you can put a question or search term and then it returns results in a statistical or table format. It covers everything from money and finance such as gdp comparisions, chemical equations, body measurements . Have a look at the introductory video Introduction to Wolfram|Alpha from its creator Stephen Wolfram.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Week 3: Photos and Images

3.5 Flickr

Have created a Flickr account but am experiencing real problems trying to upload just one photo. It just freezes and will not complete the task so am about to give up on this and try something else. Have looked at lots of other albums on Flickr and their tagging. It just seems rather unwieldy and disorganized to me. Finally, discovered that IE works better with Flickr!

3.6 Tried Picasa instead and found that pictures were much easier to download and organise.

Here is a photo of Cradle Mountain taken during a short trip to Tasmania in April 2009. I would love to return and spend more time. There are lots of walks, beautiful scenery, wildlife. We stayed at Cradle Mountain Chalet which is a newer lodge located just outside the national park.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 10 cont: More about Facebook

Have solved the issue of an old face on facebook photo and have had a lot of fun using a little bit of web software called Madmen. Mad Men Yourself allows you to create a personalized cartoon and you can play around to look however you'd like from various options presented. So cool!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Week 10: Social Networking

Have recently resurrected a Facebook page that I created a couple of years ago and had neglected. It has been really great to re-connect with some old friends. There is no doubt that it is a very clever communication tool. However, I can really notice the difference between most facebooks accounts and mine though. Their photos are of faces much much younger. Where are all the grey haired facebookers??

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weeks 1 and 2 : Introduction and Blogging

1.1 It begins....Great to be involved in 23 Things
1.2 Always good fun to learn new skills. Too busy to add more now. Next time...
2.3 Well, I have successfully created a new blog and am adding my first post.
2.4 Have sent an email for registration and added my blog to the Libnet page. Hope to add more to this blog as the weeks continue